VS Code settings you can (and should) customize

Muhammad Yusuf
3 min readDec 4, 2020


Photo by Danial RiCaRoS on Unsplash

VS Code has a wide array of settings to tweak and ‘ain’t nobody got time for that’. These are some settings you can customize so you can make your coding experience a little better.


This breadcrumbs setting lets you traverse between files, folders, and even sections in your workspace and shows you the current location of your cursor.

Auto Save

This is pretty straightforward and very useful if you keep forgetting to save your files before you run your code. VS Code will automatically save your edited files based on your reference.

Cursor Style

There are several types of cursor styles that you can choose. The most common line cursor style, old school block, classic underline, and many more.

Render Whitespace

This setting is useful to check if your code has unnecessary trailing whitespace characters. With default setting, whitespace characters are rendered when you select some text.

You can choose to render all of them (except single spaces between words) with ‘boundary’ setting to see if your code is clean enough to be committed.

Font Ligatures

Font ligature is a thing that occurs when you combine two (or more) characters and they turn into one special character. Ligatures are especially well suited for programming where compound symbols such as >= or === are used. This helps to read and understand code faster.

Fira Code is one of the most popular fonts that support ligature. And it’s complete with instructions.



Muhammad Yusuf
Muhammad Yusuf

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